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Nonsurgical Orthopedics Course

Here's what you will learn:

Module 1 - Introduction

  • Why is nonsurgical orthopedics important?

  • What is the magnitude of the problem?

  • What is happening industry-wide that I can benefit from (hint: orthopedic training is not increasing, it is decreasing. And rapidly. There is a huge void in knowledge and diagnosis of orthopedic problems in dogs. And guess what? Orthopedic problems have not decreased in frequency. Get on board before your ship sails!

Module 2 - History and Signalment

  • As with other areas of medicine, you can quickly narrow down the list of differential diagnoses just by asking some key questions in the history, and knowing what conditions are most likely just by knowing the age, breed, and gender of the dog. Learn some tips to help you hone these skills


Module 3 - Gait Evaluation

     A. Basics of Gait Evaluation

     B. Forelimb Deep Dive

     C. Pelvic Limb Deep Dive

  • How many of you struggle with gait evaluation? No need to feel embarrassed. It's difficult for everyone

  • When lectures are given to veterinarians with videos of lamenesses, approximately 50% can tell whether it is forelimb or pelvic limb, and after knowing which half is correct, approximately 50% can tell whether it is a right or left lameness

  • But there is good news!! With practice and knowing what to look for, you can greatly increase your confidence and skill in choosing the correct limb.


Module 4 - Advanced Gait Evaluation

  • Learn techniques that can be used in clinical practice to improve your ability to diagnose more subtle lameness, such as videography, motion analysis apps, static weight bearing, etc.

  • Learn about more advanced gait analysis techniques, such as instrumented walkways, kinetic and kinematic motion analysis, EMG activity, etc. 


Module 5

     A. Orthopedic Exam Basics

     B. Forelimb Deep Dive

     C. Pelvic  Limb Deep Dive

  • Learn the proper steps to perform a thorough orthopedic exam

  • Lists of differential diagnoses are presented for each area of the musculoskeletal system to help you identify the proper diagnosis

  • In-depth assessment of joints, with videos to aid in understanding


Coming Soon! - Imaging for Orthopedic Conditions

  • Have trouble assessing orthopedic images?

  • Wonder if that little thing is normal or abnormal? Learn about normal, often overlooked, structures

  • Wonder what certain orthopedic conditions look like?

  • Want to learn more about when advanced imaging might be indicated and why?

  • This is a unique module for becoming more comfortable with the approach to imaging and interpretation from an orthopedic perspective


What are you waiting for? Too many patients go undiagnosed and untreated. 



Visit Coffee and Cases

from the International Association of Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

A presentation by Kirsten Haussler regarding Gait evaluation of a dog with angular limb deformity

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